Gatheringでは、東京ミッドタウン「NEW SHOPS OPEN」キャンペーンのビジュアルアイデンティティーをデザインしました。
Gathering was in charge of designing the visual identity of Tokyo Midtown NSM.
In accordance with the opening time, we design the lawn square in the midtown site and the cherry tree as a motif.
In accordance with the opening time, we design the lawn square in the midtown site and the cherry tree as a motif.

Tokyo Midtown NSM Identity
This logo is the central element in Tokyo Midtown NSM visual communications system.
Through consistent and repetitive use as a signature device and design element in all ofTokyo Midtown NSM’s visual communications, the logo becomes a visual shorthand which identifies the Agency and symbolically embodies its activities, achievements and goals.
The logo should never be altered or distorted in any way.It must not be re-drawn, but rather reproduced.